A paradigm shift in medicine will not happen just because the science suggests it should. Policies matter.

The Congressional
Personalized Medicine Caucus
PMC works closely with the Congressional Personalized Medicine Caucus. The caucus convenes a bipartisan group of lawmakers interested in improving health care through personalized medicine.
Public Policy
PMC shapes and advocates for public policies that pave the way for more tailored prevention and treatment plans.
PMC engages policymakers in issue areas including:
- Government Innovation
- Intellectual Property
- Regulation
- Reimbursement
- Government Funding & Appropriations
- Value in Health Care
- Evidence-Based Medicine
Science Policy
PMC also helps shape the science and assumptions underpinning public policies related to:
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Consumer Genomics
- Health Information Technology
- Next-Generation Sequencing
upcoming Policy Meeting
A virtual meeting of PMC's Public and Science Policy Committees will take place via Zoom on December 11, 2024, from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET. PMC members will receive details and a registration link via email.