The emergence of the increasingly sophisticated tests and treatments underpinning personalized medicine raises new questions about how to regulate, pay for, and integrate these tools into health systems whose capacity is already stretched by existing one-size-fits-all interventions. To guide health systems and policymakers toward personalized medicine, we must put in place public policies that pave the way for this new era.
It is in this context that I am pleased to share PMC’s 2023 Policy Agenda, which complements the Coalition’s Strategic Plan and Research Program. As we enter our 20th year, the Coalition’s annual policy agenda is more robust than ever. It prioritizes 43 issues identified by PMC members as important for the advancement of personalized medicine.
Following multiple rounds of feedback from members over several months, the policy agenda identifies opportunities to help modernize regulatory, coverage, and payment policies; cultivate governmental support for initiatives that will advance personalized medicine; and encourage new innovations in care delivery and value assessment that will support the field’s continued progress. The agenda serves as a roadmap to the brighter future we can build for patients and health systems with a continued focus on targeting the right treatments to the right patients at the right time.
We appreciate the comments PMC members shared through the open-ended discussion questions, our issue prioritization survey, and through our working group and committee calls to help us develop the agenda.
If you or your institution would like more information about the many ways you can contribute to PMC’s advocacy work, please do not hesitate to contact me at